Saffron price in Afghanistan 2020
Saffron price in Afghanistan depends on types of types of saffron, quality of saffron, production quantity and the demand in International market.
Due the amount of labor involved in harvesting, processing and sorting saffron is considered to be the highest priced spice in the world.
Saffron price is mainly dependent on different factors such as quality, means the way it’s harvested, processed, the category of saffron, and also saffron price depends on purity, place of origin and the packaging it’s being offered to end users.
What makes Afghanistan saffron price to be high is because of high quality it has, as Afghan Saffron is recognized as the best globally for eight successive years in International taste and quality institute in Brussels Belgium, and also because of being naturally and organically grown, as Afghan farmers are not using Chemical fertilizers in their lands.
saffron price in Afghanistan

Saffron price depends on different types of saffron
Actually there are different types of saffron produced in Afghanistan, each one is offered with different prices.
All red filaments or special super Negin saffron is highest price and highest quality one due the fact that this type of saffron is specially processed with care, the filaments are fully red, contains no yellow stigmas is considered the most expensive one among all other types of saffron. And the most cheap type saffron is bunch saffron, this type of saffron contains the full yellow stigma with the red one, as the coloring power of bunch saffron is much lower than Super Negin saffron.
Saffron price per kg in Afghanistan
Saffron price per kg is different from time to time in Afghanistan, as on the year 2010 it was around $ 4500. The highest saffron price in Afghanistan ever, as there was a rise in price every month that time, the demand for Afghan saffron was very high in international market and the production quantity was less.
The rise in Afghanistan saffron price has encouraged many farmers to return to saffron from poppy and the saffron cultivation was expanded to 24 provinces from single province.
However saffron as the saffron production increased in Afghanistan and price change of the crop in international market, this was a key to price drop in the country as saffron price per kg decreased to $ 1500 USD later on the year 2015 and 2016.
As a fact that saffron price is like gold price, as gold price is not stable and changing every time, saffron price also changes always, it depends on the demand in international markets.
Afghanistan government is trying hard to boost the saffron price in Afghanistan by retaining the quality and expanding more exporting opportunities and marketing to the international markets. As recently some air corridors has been opened for cheap air cargo facilities to different destinations in the world to support afghan traders and business men.
At present saffron price kg is from $ 750 to 1900 $ based on type of saffron and the quality being offered.
Saffron price per gram
Saffron is mostly sold per gram in many countries, however in some countries like UK the weight measurement for selling saffron is ounce.
Based on types of saffron, Quality and where your purchasing, saffron price varies from $ 2 to 15 $.
Saffron price in wholesale in Afghanistan
At Afghan Royal Saffron co we offer different types of saffron at special and best price with the highest Quality.